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Old 12-16-2002, 09:25 PM   #30
pornodoggy should edit this
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Originally posted by baddog
first concert, 1966 or 67, starring Three Dog Night, with lead acts of Steppenwolf, Grass Roots, and Head over Heals. Think it cost $3.00 a ticket.

The best, that would really be tough, as there has been so many, I really could not say whjich was actually THE BEST
Damn - I wasn't going to post in this thread until I saw somebody older'n me post First concert I ever saw was in the fall of '67, when I saw the Greatful Dead play in the National Guard Armory in St. Louis. Probably less than 2000 people there that time.

Best concert I ever saw is a lot harder to pick ... it would be either the Who (with John Cougar and LoverBoy opening) in San Diego in 82, or Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band in Lewiston, Maine, back in 77.

Well ... then there was the Who in 68? 69? - a month or so after they played the concert at Leeds that is an album. Or The Band, about the same time. Or ...
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