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Old 12-19-2007, 02:19 PM   #8
painful should edit this
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Originally Posted by Panky View Post
AVS = Age Verification Services
Net Verifier


Adult Bouncer

Free Net Pass

Check out the resource sites. There's quite a few AVS programs out there.

Basically you build a site with a tour and a members' area. Then once approved by the AVS system, they include it into their network of sites. When someone buys a pass to the AVS system through your link, you receive credit for it. Not only does the member get access to your site, they get access to 1,000's of other porn sites in the system. Instead of having like a CCBill join page on your site, your join page would be the AVS join page.

You would treat your AVS site just like you would a traditional paysite. Market it the same way as you would your own site or a sponsors site. You then add regular updates and upsells within the members' area.

The AVS handles all the processing, customer support, and all that. All you do is update the site and market it.

Other people who already have a pass to the AVS system can have access to your site as well. They may purchase one of your upsells or they may click a link you include within your site.

You have to read the rules for each AVS. Each one has specific criteria they look for and require before accepting your site into the network. Some of them allow upsells in a members' area, others don't.
Hmmmm. I'll look into this more, thank you.
The road to success is different for everyone. For me, it's in desperate need of repair.

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