the only NEW shows I started watching during 2007 was Dexter And Heroes.. And Im hooked on both. Heroes is well made, enough fantasy without over doing it in a bad way.. One of the most well made and written I ever seen.
Dexter is REALLY good aswell. Took me time to finally give it a chance, but once the reruns started going, I couldnt stop watching it... What a great concept and again, well written.
Still waiting for Season 3 of Deadwood though,.. My fav serie.. :-(
And ofcourse looking forward to the new season of LOST.. I remember I thought it was insane when I heard that it was almost like 9 months or so from the end of last season until they would start airing the new one.. But now.. Time fucking flies by.. Its almost time for it!
Damn Im nerdy.. Too many tv shows. hehe.