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Old 12-20-2007, 01:42 AM   #2
Rochard should edit this
Funbrunette's BITCH!!!
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I'm okay with a three year age difference law. Meaning a eighteen year old man can have sex with a sixteen year old without going to jail. (It's possible that a eighteen year high school kid surrounded by kids younger than him, and there's no way he's not going to be getting some unless he's in the marching band.) This means a twenty year old could be having sex with a seventeen year old and I'm okay with that.

The law looks at an eighteen year old and sees an adult. I look at an eighteen year old and I see a kid surrounded by other kids, some of whom are younger than he/she is.

At the same time, I believe that anyone twenty-one or older dating anyone under eighteen is just damn creepy.

My problem in this case is more with the mother... JLS had been "living with her older boyfriend on and off for two years". Um, since when do girls age fourteen - sixteen start living with their boyfriends? And how was this boy, aged seventeen at the time, able to have his own place?

I think there is something wrong with her mother.
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