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Old 09-09-2002, 03:17 PM   #1
Ronaldo is only editing this because Chris is a jackass
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Default The official Maple Leafs excuse thread.

It's less than a month before you dumbass Maple Leaf fans have to start coming up with your lame excuses as to why the Leafs are faltering yet again.

Here's a few to get you started. Add yours as they come about.

1. They shouldn't have let Cujo go. (Bah, money hungry freak, isn't as good as he thinks. Good riddance.)

2. Gary Roberts is hurt. (Yep, hurt, old and one of the dirtiest bastards in the game. Feggadabawdit)

3. Tie Domi (Insert any large head quip here)

4. Michael Peca's "soon to come" clean hit on Darcy Tucker will be the shot heard "round the world". (T.O. being the center of the universe and all.) It will then be discussed how he was the "heart & soul" of this hapless bunch.

5. After 20 or so games, when PQ goes back to smoking his cigars and stuffing his face....RICK LEY will be behind the bench. Buwahahaha.

HAHA, had a REAL good laugh at this headline. http://www.mapleleafs.com/home.html
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