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Old 12-20-2007, 06:21 PM   #3
painful should edit this
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Is that a trailer home in the background? I don't know what's wrong with that family, they are tooooo white trash. I assume she makes enough money to buy condoms or birth control. I lost my virginity at the age of 13, and I don't think it hurt me, except for the fact that I ALWAYS wanted to do it and my grades suffered. As for the Spears girls, they are fucking role models for young girls and should have their act together. People should be making sure shit like this doesn't happen, and if it does, then Zoe 101 should be cancelled, and I mean OFF THE AIR! My daughter (10) watches that stupid little CHILD's show, and now I have to turn it off. She's not happy and neither am I. Role models. Why doesn't she just go smoke some crack or kill homeless people? I think that family should go away for good. I am very open with my children about sex and pretty much any question they have about anything, I feel it's better that they are educated than to lie about things. Maybe someone should've had a talk the Spears girls about sex. Bad parenting, bad role models.

And the worst part... Britney doesn't have a kick-ass home video yet.
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