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Old 12-21-2007, 10:15 AM   #6
TheLegacy is Bi - Sexy
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As said, there are many who will blame the mom - but honestly - my wife left home at 16 and today she is happier than anything with an extremely supportive mother.

If the mother broke the law, then child services and the courts would be after her - but they didn't. We didn't overhear what was said, and most mom's know that forcing a child is not going to make them do anything. There comes a time when you need to decide - either I banish the child from my home and life in hopes that the threat will stop my child from being stupid - OR - being a parent means that you know they will do stupid things, but you need to stand beside them and love them no matter what.

I know some great pastors or families who's parenting skills could never be challenged and yet kids have a mind of their own and will go against society and authority no matter who brought them up.

What is sad now is that the media/TV etc. are planning on creating a show around her to capitalize on the drama. can some good come from it? Depends on wether Oprah and Dr Phil are the key note speakers

Skype: robjameswarren

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