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Old 12-26-2007, 09:58 PM   #16
freeklaus should edit this
Join Date: Jun 2003
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a 16 yr old female is still 5 years ahead of a 18 year old guy in maturity. I think the stupidity factor here is...... not of having sex or not..... but to not use birth control............ Age is a society standard, and as we all know society is not always right....... if age was a important factor than it would not be a country by country issue but rather something instinctive We all agree on as the standard with out debate ....... like 10 (some cultures accept 12)
personally there is a vast difference between 2 people close in age and say a 16 and 46 yo.
We were all young once, some of us even stupid and we didn't always think before doing.
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