Just one thing on the Iraq war. It isn't just an Iraq war, it is a war against Islamist Extremists who are fighting a Jihad, a 100 year war. They have no monetary goal, no personal goal. They have the goal of islam to take back what was once the Persian Empire, which encompassed almost ALL of Europe. Fighting an enemy that doesn't have a set agenda and are willing to become Martyrs in Allahs eyes is almost impossible and we came into it at the beginning, it's only been like 15 or 20 years since it began, and if we keep this up the US will fall, miserably. We cannot support the deployments, we cannot afford the budgets and now the US government is taking away the pay raises promised to the military, which means they will lose more troops to civilian life. I am a member of the USAF. I am prepared to fight and die for my country, my family and my friends. I am not prepared to die for OIL or any vendetta of the Bush agenda. I believe the Iraq war and the Afghanistan war are futile.
Have a great day!
The road to success is different for everyone. For me, it's in desperate need of repair.