All of my sponsors, I have different user/pass combinations for. My banking info, ePass, PayPal, and the likes, all those login details are completely unique. Nothing important matches anything else. Email and FTP passwords are all different as well. Nothing is stored on my computer or external drives either.
It's our own responsibility. We have no control over the places we enter user/pass combinations, enter credit card details, banking info, use debit cards, and the likes. Both in the offline world and the online world. We can only limit our liability should something happen where security is breached and personal information is accessed. We accept that their is some level of risk when we live in a society catering to convenience as well as when we chose to work online, bank online, and purchase items online. People have to take measures to protect themselves first.
The hackers and the sites and/or companies they hack into aren't free from blame either, but it is as much our fault as theirs if we failed to do our part to minimize the damage first.