01-07-2008, 12:45 PM
is the Queen of Mean
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Montréal
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Originally Posted by Cyndalie
Let's say Xnations got hacked andyour user/pass here was compromised. I think Xnations liability ends at protecting your account at this site though, not if you use the same user/pass at ebay, paypal, etc and those accounts get compromised too. See what I'm saying?
Yes. The liability ends at the site that got hacked. It becomes the users fault if they used that same user/pass for other sites and it happened to be discovered and those accounts got accessed as well.
For example, if XNations got hacked and the database became compromised, XNations isn't responsible for if people got their Medium Pimpin' account accessed, their GFY account, or their Netpond account. XNations is only responsible for it's own security, what they can control. They aren't responsible for sites they have no control over. It becomes the users fault for using the same user/pass for multiple accounts.