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Old 01-16-2008, 12:27 PM   #3
Mr. Plow
Mr. Plow should edit this
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That's really interesting. I think a lot of these institutions (newspapers, books, radio stations) are kept around mostly for nostalgia (people like curling up by the fire with a book rather than with a laptop), but they're not terribly useful. I still prefer books to reading online, but we'll all probably eventually end up doing everything online.

It's interesting what he says about newspapers sorting rather than providing information. I think that's what internet porn does as well. What we do is not to provide people with an overwhelming amount of porn, but to sort it out for them, so they can find what they want.

That's the dirty little secret of the entertainment industry: Porn producers are always way out on the edge, trying things first
Mr. Plow, that's my name.
That name again is Mr. Plow.
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