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Old 01-16-2008, 12:33 PM   #1
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Default New! TheRussianKings.com - the best solution for russian traffic

Dear friends,

first of all I want to say Hello to this community as I am new here

And then I am happy to announce a new affiliate program for Russian traffic – TheRussianKings.com!

As we all know paying with credit cards is not very popular in exUSSR countries, but paying with cell phones through SMS billings became the most common way to make payments. TheRussianKings Affiliate Program offers universal solutions for converting this kind of traffic.

What we have:
  1. 21 classical porn pay sites in different niches (including 2 gay sites and one very unique fetish porn site with the most beautiful russian girls - football fans) all in Russian with SMS subscription.
  2. A huge video site PornMagnat.com. Filled with a great amount of video content it is already in popular demand among Russian-speaking surfers. Like in an e-shop visitors can surf through all available videos before paying.
  3. Wap site Drocka.com. Many people are looking for porn via their mobile phones and this site is just for them. Wap porn sites are becoming more and more popular in RUnet and we did our best to make a great one for this niche of adult industry.
More sites are coming soon!

1k of CJ redirect traffic converts up to $15, SE traffic can make from $20 to $40.

If you don’t need Russian traffic from all those exUSSR countries as it never converts on porn sites with credit card access, forward it to ours.

We pay 70% of SMS cost paid by operator and 10% for every referred webmaster. These are the highest rates among affiliate programs of RUnet. Your profit for an SMS will be up to $2.8 – that’s a record for Russia. As the subscription seems to cost not so much a visitor cannot resist the temptation and the decision to send an SMS comes easy.

For all questions regarding getting an invitation code, our program in general or any other stuff feel free to contact me:

ICQ: 349-058-915
Skype: num375
e-mail: eugene@therussiankings.com

We are looking forward to working with you!


Kind regards,
TheRussianKings Support Team
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