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Old 01-17-2008, 01:49 PM   #1
AbulletAway should edit this
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Default I finally met Evil Chris...

I call my buddy Ron, he says he's at the center bar by the casino tables. I walk over to it and he's not there. I call him again and tell him I'm at the bar and he ain't there. As I walk behind the bar while talking to him I see him at the Let It Ride table. But, he's not alone; he's with this other guy. A guy that looks so familiar but I just can't quite place it.

Ron makes the introductions. It's Evil Chris. Now, I haven't known Evil Chris that well, but we have chatted a few times over the years and he always seemed like a genuine good guy. It was refreshing to meet him in person and discover he's the very same in person.

Any ways I had a good time at the table. Of course it would have been better if we could have had the same dumb blind luck that Ron Stewart had. I tell you, that dude is like some kinda gambling freak. He just doesn't lose. I mean he might lose a bit here and there, but when it counts, he will win. I hate him for that. But, enough about the Ron, it was sincerely nice to finally meet you in person.
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