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Old 01-18-2008, 04:40 PM   #15
Elli should edit this
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I think the new format worked very well. Each "booth" had a couch and table to spread their wares on instead of just a cardboard sign to stand in front of, and the skyboxes were great for talking business. Serving the food in the nightclub was problematic, though. People had to eat on the benches or standing up in the narrow corridors! The music the first day was quite loud, too.

For the opening party, I was a bit disappointed. I'm not a club type person, so I usually enjoy the warm-up party as it is usually held in a well-lit hotel ballroom with lots of room to wander around and greet people. The RAIN nightclub turned it into just another nightclub party that was too loud and dark to do much in except watch people get drunk.

The badge price definitely seems a bit steep, and is probably prohibitive to the smaller webmasters looking to break into the industry. I guess we'll be seeing those folks mostly at the free or cheaper shows.
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