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Old 01-22-2008, 02:22 AM   #12
Panky is the Queen of Mean
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I've been hit on at shows and miscellaneous webmaster events. I'm not 18 anymore and I'm not model perfect. However, I am a woman in this industry. Getting hit on, grabbed, and/or spoken to as if we are somehow inferior to many males in this industry is part of the territory. Right or wrong, it's come to be expected. It's how one chooses to deal with a situation that makes the difference. A negative situation can turn into a positive one if a person knows how to handle themselves. It is just something that is learned. Sure speaking to someone, warning them, giving them the heads up, can minimize or avoid any potential unfortunate or uncomfortable situations, but in the end, the woman has to learn to stand on her own two feet.

If a naive 18 year old is attending the shows and really doesn't have full comprehension of the various types of men and women in this industry, one option is to pair her up with an older model or woman who has webmaster event experience. One who knows how to work a show at the same time being able to leave a positive impression on potential business deals. This responsible woman can show her the ropes better than any man could do. The men are there when needed should a situation get out of hand, but having another woman show someone inexperienced the ropes, it allows the men to be free to conduct their business man to man, revisit possible deals, or just simply be guys. It also opens the doors to more exposure and potential business because some men can easily intimidate other men whether they try to or not. Many male webmasters sometimes find talking to females, especially if they give the impression they are approachable, a little easier than talking to another male. Also if there are female webmasters or solo models looking to get into the industry around, they may feel more comfortable chatting with another female, versus breaking into and holding their own in a male dominated industry.

Women need to be responsible for their own actions. They can be warned and watched over, but that only does so much. In the end, she is going to make decisions. She has to do this in every day life whether she is at a webmaster event or not. A woman has to learn that there is a time to "be cute", a time to party, and a time to cut the BS and act like a responsible, professional business person. The adult industry is a business first and foremost.

When companies invite men and/or women to attend the show, speak to your employees about what your expectations of them are. Make it very clear as to what is deemed acceptable and unacceptable behavior and the consequences should their behavior be unacceptable. Always send a responsible veteran with someone who has less experience. If you've got models or new reps, always pair them with another responsible female with experience. Don't let the inexperienced ones fly solo until you are confident that they can handle themselves and still be able to leave a positive impression of the company.

One can't keep watch 24/7, nor should they because these women are still adults regardless if they are naive or not. But, there are things that can be done that can help minimize any potential problems. Let her know you are there, but don't smother her. She's an adult, not a teenager.
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