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Old 01-22-2008, 06:51 AM   #2
Jimmidean is Sniffin Glue as it is cheaper then crack
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Yep troubled times ahead.
The word recession however is just a buzz word few understand but everyone is afraid of.
Example a recession is defined by to negative quarters back to back
So you have a -1% Q1 and a -1% Q2 followed by a zero 3 and 4 that is a recession.
But if you have a -10 Q1 and a +1 Q2 followed by a -10 Q3 no recession even though the losses are much higher.
Peoples saving are at an all time low, actually the lowest since 1930 I heard last night (probably an a adjusted rate)
Credit debt is through the roof and home values plunge.
If you have cash its time to make money if you have non you sit on the sidlines missing out or worse.
As far as adult the more credit cards that become full or are canceled the lower sales will be.
Look to alternative billing solutions phone etc
We are looking at cashing beer bottles for new members
Sit tight this is going to be one hell of a ride.
To drunk in the keys for a sighttp://www.xnations.com/images/smilies/smile.gif
ICQ 424349287
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