In our business there are several things that will come into play at shows whether you choose to partake in it or not: drugs, hookers, parties, nudity.
As a business owner you should not bring someone to a show that is not aware of these possibilities. You would also do yourself well to let them know your personal point of view on the subject.
There are lots of relationships in this business that have been solidified with less than orthodox methods of friendship building. So as an employer you sort of have to decide with what you are comfortable with happening on your dime and set boundaries for your employee that way (male or female).
Now if you happen to see your employees being harassed in an obvious manner by all means say something to help them but do not harass them for talking to boys as 90% of the webmasters in this industry are boys so the fact is they may have to talk to them. An employer of mine once “rescued” me from talking to a huge traffic guy and he would never do business with me and that employer as he was so insulted by the situation… so do be careful when you choose to be a knight in shining armor that it is in fact warranted.
I think overall if you look at the successful women in this business you will see one very common character thread amongst us all and that is that we are all very strong personalities and can look after ourselves. So if you are bringing women into adult that is a trait that you should look for.
After all if you are merely acting as a babysitter why bother paying to have an employee at a show? How are you supposed to get your own work accomplished?