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Old 01-23-2008, 06:30 PM   #32
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Hello Everyone,

I am kind of divided on this debate. In one way, the girls who work for LiveCamNetwork.com who come with us to shows are on "my dime". I want them to be professional, represent the company, and bring back some leads.

At the same time, they're adults, and human. You can't get in the way of young love (or lust, or quickies, or whatever). If they're going to meet someone and hookup, who am I to stand in their way?

What I hate though are idiot newbie webmasters (or even worse, idiot posers who don't know sweet fuck all about anything) who go to the shows just to get laid.

What's funny is alot of people think women in the industry are stupid. I overheard one guy, I won't say who, who could not seperate "business" and "pleasure" for more than 2 seconds during a conversation. "Yes I'd really like to do business with you", he told her, "come to my room and we can sign the deal". Like, what the fuck?

Of course there is the "talent" who are new to the industry and are busy modeling and have not learned how the business side works yet. Then there are the women who know the business inside and out. What cracks me up are the morons who can't be bothered to know who is who, or which is which. They approach all women at trade shows as if they are "dumb talent", and make a complete ass of themselves. Here's news for you. Not all "Talent" is "dumb", and not all women are "talent".

Those of you who know me know that I'm a pretty quiet person. I listen carefully to what other people say and have pretty good ears. I have seen several of the LCN girls get treated this way, right in front of me. I was embarrased for them. "Don't worry about it - the next person will take you seriously and look at your eyes instead of your tits".

As I said earlier, I'm of 2 opinions. This kind of thing will always happen in any industry. You WANT your people to behave, but you have to let them be who they are too. So at the next tradeshow, tell your hotties to represent your good name during the day, but let them play at night. Make sure they get the respect they deserve from potential new business partners though. If the new people you're about to make a deal with treats your crew badly, move on to someone else. There's lots of other people out there.

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