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Old 01-24-2008, 12:39 PM   #33
2Much Kedra
2Much Kedra should edit this
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And I have actually been asked WHY I so enjoy working for 2Much?
Mark's respect for all of the female employees here, as well as his willingness to be open about what "could" happen before we ever set foot on the trade-show floor are just 2 of the reason why!
Every show that I have been to, I've been treated as "Talent" first, and I'm cool with that...I am content for our sites, so what...
It's the idiots who refuse to acknowledge the fact that I actually have a brain and that I am not there to screw them for a sale that irritate me.
I think that any newbie; male or female, talent or tech should be watched over their first time out and intelligently INFORMED of the things that can happen at shows, without scaring the hell outta them with horror stories.
I feel it is the employer's responsibility to educate their employees about the good AND the bad, or not put new people into a situation that they may not be prepared for!
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