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Old 01-24-2008, 01:37 PM   #10
Casa Nova
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Originally Posted by Evil Chris View Post
Well, they won last night against Washington. Now I know that isn't saying a whole lot, but it's a good sign as it was their first game with Fletcher back as GM.
Definitely a good sign, but it did take up to the last 20 seconds to decide it. We need more convincing wins. That game could've gone either way.

Eklund mentioned a good point today; Fletcher is a very smart guy and is able to make teams react. There is still a tight race in the West conference. Cliff could deal Kaberle to San Jose (eklunds example) which in turn would force teams like Vancouver/Calgary/Detroit to react and HAVE to make a trade, which would raise the value of guys like Sundin and Tucker.

We need to dump some guys for fresh young talent. Sundins contract is up at the end of this year, we can trade him off as a rent-a-player and he can re-sign next year with a new fresh set of young guys to mentor with the leafs.

I certainly for one hope that Sundin waves his no-trade for the betterment of the team, aslong as he comes back next season.

I also don't put it past Fletcher to do something like send raycroft & kubina down to the marlies for some cap space whether it be this year or next if he cant deal them. Kubina I love as a player but you can't have your 3rd blue liner taking up 10% of the Salary cap.

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