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Old 01-25-2008, 11:12 AM   #1
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Default Woman Deletes 7 Years Of Company's History Out Of Spite


Okay - so here is the real life scenario - a woman "thinks" she is getting fired and sneaks in at night to delete 7 years worth of drawings and company records worth over 2 million from the server. Although the owner has to spend a shit load of money to recover deleted files and has - this is a strong reminder that every company that allows its employee's access to private information NOR does a back up is in trouble from this sabotage.

We hear all the time of rep's who walk away with webmaster lists - content or email lists that they use as a bargaining chip when applying to another job (competitor even). Do you consider yourself vulnerable or do you have backups of everything?

As a final note - the past few weeks I have been in the market to hire some reps for the future - some stating they have current lists they can bring to me, while others impressively say, "I am well enough connected that I can bring webmasters in simply because of my character".

My feeling is that there is roughly 8000 webmasters out there - once you have working in this industry as long as I have, I pretty much have all the lists - what I don't have is someone who may not have all the lists which is of no value to me because webmasters tend to work with those they trust more then who manages to spam them with email offers.

I hope that you'll be careful who has access to your material - but mostly - after doing an audit on everything - back up all info just in case someone gets an idea in their head.

Skype: robjameswarren

"Wise men talk because they have something to say;
fools, because they have to say something." - Plato
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