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Old 01-28-2008, 02:52 PM   #2
Elli should edit this
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Most women would also lose 10lbs, buy a new car, or take a yoga class if they could/had the money/had the time. Not only that, but there is huge pressure these days on women to stay attractive at older ages. Years ago, once a woman had children, she was expected to look motherly and pass the torch to the younger generation. Now mothers are expected to look just as perky as the celebrity mothers in the magazines, and that just doesn't happen without serious money, effort, time, and training that most folks don't have access to. Boob jobs are more accessible now, though, so they're not seen as such a big deal.

It's also a function of fashion, I think. Would you rather spend $5k on a few stunning outfits that look FAB on you, or $5k on boobs that make anything you wear look even FABBER? (Yes, I made that up.)

Anwyays, I don't intend to ever get a boob job as I'm scared enough of doctors and needles as it is! But I can't say I won't change my mind after children or in another ten years time.
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