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Old 01-29-2008, 02:12 AM   #36
Panky is the Queen of Mean
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I haven't even colored my hair once yet, let alone get a boob job. However, if I reach the point where I have more than a silver strand or two, I'd color my hair in a heartbeat. I like my boobs the way they are. Always have. Now if I had cancer or was involved in some sort of an accident, I'd consider a boob job. However, there are alternatives that don't involve surgery, depending on the situation.

Plastic surgery can do wonders for people, but its just not my thing. Getting plastic surgery of any sort due to trauma, disease, or developmental defect is one thing, but I'm not going to do it because it has become a popular trend.

I'm okay with being average. I can dress up and look really nice, but at the same time, I'm perfectly fine going to the grocery store with my hair pulled back, a little bit of eyeshadow and mascara, wearing a pair of jeans. I am who I am.

Hollywood, runway models, and the likes, do play a huge role in how women perceive themselves in todays world. What was considered beautiful 50 years ago, isn't todays perception of beauty. Cosmetic companies are cashing in big time on wrinkle creams, age defying creams, and all that stuff. It seems like every other commercial on TV is for hair color, diet related items and plans, fitness related, or wrinkle/age defying creams. The thing is, we do a lot of damage to ourselves and then we figure we can take a pill, have surgery, or apply some cream to make it all better.
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