I took 4 pro girls to LA and have taken girls to a few expos so my take is this.
Its understandable why many promoters dont wish to take girls because no matter how much you watch or train the girls you are still entering a situation full of mostly males who specialise in getting girls to push to thier limits.
Most webmasters are really cool and straight up but each expo will contain its share of not so cool peeps.
Combine this with the fact of drink,parties,lack of sleep due to travel and many other factors inc bullshit promises and offers,to me its like putting goldfish in a pool of sharks.
Even smart girls are no match for experienced adult webmasters in most cases and Im sure youd all agree on that.
So the bottom line is this.
If I was a promotor with 1 good girl that I can stay with consistant I would take her to many shows but I wouldnt take a team of girls.
Claire Prescott-Brand Marketing & PR * Planning & Coordination of Corporate Media Events
*Promotion Girls*Pictures*Brand Placement*PR*Ticket Admin/Event Staff*Security*Etc*
*Girls Available for All Adult Internet Shows AdultWhosWho *ICQ 355591441