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Old 01-30-2008, 02:23 PM   #8
Panky is the Queen of Mean
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Originally Posted by Ruby2Much View Post
Thanks for the explanation Panky,

If I understand correctly, it isn't the graphic, the contact info, the links and the branding phrases that are for sale ... but the space at the bottom of the poster's posts that is for sale.

Have I understood? This seems to make sense to me but now that poster can't use the space to advertise their own business, products or services. Some how this is worth it?

New question: what is up with the whole points system on the boards?

Thanks again!
Yes. It is the space at the bottom of a users post that is for sale. Since boards impose limits on exactly what can be placed there, (one 120x60 button and 3 lines of text for example), the user can't add their own links in with the buyers links. The user essentially gives up rights to advertise in his/her own sig, since someone else is paying for the space.

It is worth it to some posters because they earn more selling their sig than they do just carrying their own links in their sig. Buyers sometimes find it useful because of the increased views, (branding), and the potential for new business.

Originally Posted by Ruby2Much
New question: what is up with the whole points system on the boards?
Point systems on boards are used as an incentive to get people posting. Each post made has a point value. Points can then be exchanged for items in an online store created by the board or can be redeemed for an actual cash value.
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