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Old 01-31-2008, 09:45 PM   #5
MediaGuy is looking to get webmasters nekkid for his calendar.
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Pay Per Click advertisers will usually be running a program that counts the number of times, and the number of click-thrus, via a Google-adwords type adlist that runs on a network of sites, or in a key-word search-engine sort of environment.

That's by no means the only places clicks can be counted and charged for per click, but they're the first that come to mind and maybe the most popular.

"Accuracy" is based on a lot of factors. One of the most important is the actual volume of traffic they process. If they have a handle on millions of searches or clicks per day, they can pretty much give you what you want - 2000 clicks per day, spread over a 24hr period, with 50% past a certain hour because that's when you get the most sales, for example...

If a broker has less traffic, or a smaller network or sites or properties on which to place your ad or link, then their accuracy can suffer, or they limit their client list, and place you on a schedule.

This is a truly narrow/general example, but hopefully it gives you a clearer idea.


Search engine indexation: a site gets listed simply by being.

However there's all sorts of things that can help that happen faster, including submitting to them directly, getting your site listed or linked in a forum, on a press release, or a simple directory, and nowadays there's also getting on blogs, which get crawled more often (by spyders or bots - search engine indexation agents, which are basically automated programs that set out to aggregate websites, links within websites, sniffing out what's there to be had).
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