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Old 02-04-2008, 03:30 PM   #1
Tricia P
Tricia P should edit this
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Default Hello Webmasters New Girl Here (Fresh Meat)

Hello Webmasters
My name is Tricia and i work as a videographer, make up artist, and stylist to Shaun Mcmanus (fabulous tog) usually has a fetish thread running through his work (stunning).
We have currently set up a content site of Shauns work at www.adultedit.net we are currently setting up more payment methods which will be in process very soon.
Shaun has been shooting for several years, exclusive content to all levels, and have now been left in the position of having a lot of non-exclusive solo b/g and g/g sets that he can now offer for sale.

We will be adding to the site and would be delighted for any help you guys might be able to give me regarding anybody who may be looking for content, either exclusive or non-exclusive, and even though the pound is strong at the moment I believe that I should be able to price match your exclusive content provider and give you a great end product (including video if needed)

so heres looking forward to any advise you can give me regarding this.

and thank you all so much for taking the time to read this post
Tricia (Shauns sexy assistant)
Beautiful women!! beautiful Pictures!!
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