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Old 02-07-2008, 02:55 PM   #5
Shane_TDF should edit this
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Now here is a thread I can get behind.
I'm all for full legalization of marijuana. Besides the PROVEN medical benefits for terminal patients there are also several "home" remedies it's good for. Ladies... menstrual cramps go away after judicious application of pot. The same for stomach cramps. A lot of people also have said that it's a great cure for headaches.
But let's move on past the medical uses shall we?
Out of all the recreational drugs pot has the least amount of negative side effects. Though the scientific community seems to be split regarding what adverse effects pot smokers may suffer, they have all agreed (well the actual scientific studies, not the bought and paid for ones) that smoking pot is any more dangerous to respiratory system than smoking. Some figures say that it's far less dangerous than ciggies.
Now let's chat a bit about the fun parts of pot. Those of you out there that enjoy the mota know that it's great for stress relief and anger management. It's also a great way to make your friends far more interesting then they really are (I have the plaque to prove it). There are also many ways one can enjoy pot. You can smoke it in a pipe, bong or joint. But you can also put it in certain foods if you don't want to smoke it like with the pot brownies and unlike alcohol it retains it's potency.
I've spent many years conducting my own research regarding marijuana and I have concluded that it does not interfere with daily activities unless the user is already unmotivated. While I can't comment on the potential respiratory system as I also smoke cigs the subjects who smoked marijuana alone seem to suffer fewer respiratory ailments.

So that is a very nutshell summary of my pro pot argument. If we are ever at a show together, I'll be happy to sit down and expand on the theory over a nice blunt.

Hugs And Kisses!!

Shane ICQ# 33163380

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