There's no harm in letting a healthy dog lick a wound. A lot of people think it is gross because dogs have some disgusting habits along with the fact that they clean themselves and thus tend to think the wound will become infected if a dog licked it. A dogs saliva has it's own antibacterial agents in it that help a wound heal.
When a dog gets injured, it will lick the wound to promote healing. The licking helps clean the wound as well promote blood flow and help stimulate any damaged nerves. They will also lick a wound of another injured member of the pack. It's instinct. Since dogs are pack animals, they perceive humans as being part of their pack. All the dog was trying to do was help heal an injured member of its pack.
Dog saliva isn't 100% free of germs. (However, it is a lot more sanitary than human saliva) If a dog is sickly or if a person has a weak immune system due to disease, age, or medical treatment, then you don't want a dog, human, or any animal licking the wound. But if the dog is healthy and the person has a healthy immune system, a dog licking the wound can be very beneficial to healing the wound.