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Old 02-11-2008, 05:18 PM   #10
Ronaldo is only editing this because Chris is a jackass
Xnations Voice of Reason
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Originally Posted by Funbrunette View Post
The way I see it, it's one day out of 365....Why wait for "that" day to express your love for your better half. Don't get me wrong a card is always sweet, but if my husband only gives me flowers on Valentine's day (because it's a holiday) then I would rather get absolutely nothing.
I agree with you 100%.

It pisses me off that I'm EXPECTED to get something on that day when the best gifts by FAR are the ones that aren't expected. Last week for example, I took a peek at my wife's facebook page and noticed a couple of things. One was pretty sad so I thought I'd try to cheer her up. She'd posted something that she'd like on the same quiz so I went out and tried to get it for her. Unfortunately, I couldn't find it at 6 different stores. HAD I BEEN able to find it, that would have been worth a fuck of a lot more than had I just done it for Valentine's day. And it would have guaranteed some sloppy head too.
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