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Old 02-11-2008, 09:28 PM   #15
Panky is the Queen of Mean
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I think it is a meaningless holiday created by card companies, jewelry sellers, chocolate companies, and florists. I was adopted on Valentines Day, so it was always a special day in our house, but my family never went all out and made a big deal of the day. It just happened to be the day the papers went through and my parents could bring me home.

My dad always buys my mom roses. She is one of these women that would get upset if my dad didn't buy her flowers. I never understood that. My sister-in-law is the same way. My brother frets wondering if he got something his wife will like. I just never quite 'got it'.

I don't know. I like the simple things. I'm happy if my BF cooks dinner out of the blue, notices a sweater I bought without me having to point it out, or just randomly lets me know he appreciates me and the things I do for him. It can be something simple like a note left on my keyboard that says something nice and sweet.

Things that are unexpected and thoughtful mean more to me than making an ordeal out of a holiday just because it is what one is supposed to do. I appreciate gifts and all that stuff, but what really does it for me is when someone puts some thought into it and does something because they wanted to be nice and show me they actually care. I guess I'm just not hard to please. It doesn't take much to make me happy, feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
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