02-12-2008, 11:53 AM
is only editing this
because Chris is a
Xnations Voice of Reason
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Manitoba, Canada
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Originally Posted by B O B
Padres, well...I dont think they will do well at all...
No hitters batting over .300
No HR hitters can hit over 30
No stolen bases over 20
so no small ball, no long ball...means pitching
our #4 in rotation had elbow surgery and missed half the season last year
and our #5 was out all last year with injuries, so he didnt pitch at all...
so i predict at the best, 2nd place, behind Diamondbacks, and if we are lucky, not 3rd, behind them and the Dodgers.
what else you want to know?
You suck man. Chris needs to give you tips on how to be a REAL fan of your team. By real, I mean unREAListic.