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Old 02-12-2008, 12:15 PM   #17
Ronaldo is only editing this because Chris is a jackass
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One of my favorite moments ever with Chris happened in Vegas last month. We talk hockey all the time and he's always SEEMED to question my knowledge...I FLAT OUT question his, but that's another story. He had some great tales about his father-in-law that I could have listened to all night long. As he was telling one of them, he asked the question, half to himself I think, but aloud nonetheless, "Who scored the winning goal against the Bruins in '79."

Without hesitation and without GOOGLE, I said "Yvon Lambert".

The doubletake on Chris's face was priceless. Then he corrected me and said his real name was "Yves". (Could be, but he's KNOWN as Yvon).
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