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Old 02-14-2008, 04:56 PM   #23
Ronaldo is only editing this because Chris is a jackass
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Originally Posted by Vendzilla View Post
Luck had a lot to do with it, but being the cool guy on the street that was always doing stuff that the neighbor kids liked, well it helped I think, I could always talk to her and I would always listen
You raise an interesting point. I was GONNA say that communication is important and that you clearly had it. It IS important, but LISTENING to your kids is probably MORE important than anything. I'm a great listener, I think even jackass Chris would agree to that, but honestly, when it comes to my kids, I could easily see myself giving advice that isn't asked for, instead of just listening to them when they need to vent. That's something that could stop them FROM coming to me.

It's always nice to realize things about yourself that can make you a better person or dad.
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