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Old 02-15-2008, 12:43 PM   #8
Ronaldo is only editing this because Chris is a jackass
Xnations Voice of Reason
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Originally Posted by SykkBoy View Post
I know a lot of people hate the whole "adapt or die" attitude, but it's always been part of this industry...think of all the changes made in the last 10-12 years. There have been a lot of companies come and go, that for one reason or another didn't adapt.

A lot of it also comes down to "Why allow someone else dictate to you how you run your business?"
I can't argue with the first paragraph.

But for you and Chris. I run a network, not a site, but a NETWORK of tube sites. So, because it's MY business, it's okay for me to take the full custom videos from adultpaymaster and teenrevenue and put them on my network? I'll leave the watermark, but the links and banners will be to other programs.

I imagine you'll say no, that's not okay because it's fucking with MY business. Okay, fair enough.

But, until you FIND them all, I'll just build up my traffic to sick levels using content from every sponsor I can find, you guys included. When approached to remove a video, I'll comply...on that one site of course. You'll have to find the other ones. Oh, and a couple of weeks later, I'll throw the video up again. Of course, it wasn't ME who put it up...it was submitted.

Once I feel I have enough traffic to make it worthwhile, I'll contact sponsors, one by one, to see if I can work WITH them. YOU may be at the top of the list starting with an A and all, but poor Chris is shitass at the bottom. So, he'll have to wait a while while I continue to use his videos to increase the traffic that I send to you, because you've now agreed to let me use 5 minute clips.

Then again, I'm a jackass and I just MAY start at the bottom of the list, so I'll use YOUR videos to build up the traffic that I send to Chris.

All sarcasm aside, with new technology, this was inevitable.

If all the porn sponsors on the planet agreed to ONLY offer low resolution SOFTCORE pictures for promotional purposes, meaning NO videos or clips at ALL, and NO hardcore, there is at least ONE sponsor who is going to want an edge. They'll offer hardcore pictures. Then a few will see the benefit of that and they'll offer high res hardcore pictures. Someone will see that and decide to run low res 10 second softcore videos. Then someone will run 20 second hardcore clips. Then someone....

If a robber breaks into my house and steals $10,000 dollars from me and I catch him, I don't agree to give him $1000 and tell him where my neighbors hide THEIR cash just to keep away from mine. Even though, I'd be protecting MY home.
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