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Old 02-20-2008, 10:31 AM   #1
Magnus3x is superfantastico!
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Default $5.00 for Unlimited Music Downloads??

I just read about this "Genius" plan to help save the starving Canadian artists, they propose an ISP tax of $5.00 for every internet user and then you can DL as much music as you wish.
WOW.. what a fucking brilliantly retarded idea and such great minds like Brian Adams and Randy Bochman are backing it with such well thought out quotes as:
"Songwriters create ideas. We're inventors. Think about the light bulb and the telephone. People don't mind paying for their telephone and electricity each month, but somehow they think music should be free."

Give me a fucking break on so many levels.
My mother has never and probably will never download a song in her life, she is retired she pays the bare minimum to be connected and checks her email daily and looks at some travel websites and that is about it. So let's ding her 5 bucks so shit like Brittany Spears and Avril Lavigne (LA can keep her BTW) can continue to "invent" such musical genius.

Now I agree that artists should be compensated for their talent (if any) but the music industry has been crying poor me since the inception of Napster. Here's an idea for them and this includes all industries.. stop the blood clot crying and adapt!

Truely an industry with such phat wallets and massive executive chains can come up with a solution in todays climate to make sure everyone gets thier gravy.
It would appear to me that they want to keep making the same money with the same effort as days past. This is why so many new artists, especially Canadian artists market themselves online, control their production and labels or start a lable and become stars in other Countries.

Hey it worked for the Hoff!

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