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Old 02-23-2008, 08:35 PM   #15
Virgule3 is in love!
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Originally Posted by RageCash-Ben View Post
Wow a general anethesthic for a cyst - it must have been a big/deep one !!

Hope you are feeling better soon.

The cyst was where the "plumber's crack" starts... On the coccyx if you prefer. That's why it was a complex surgery.

I'm healing now and it itches like hell. The doctor literally attached the bandages to my body so it creates constant pressur. I'm having the stiches taken out Tuesday. I can't wait.

I'm a bit pissed right now at my "friends". Can you believe that only ONE person came to see me? ONE! Oh, and I called two of my friends so they could come and walk my dogs once... they came... I'm not impressed. And the friend who came to visit is a new friend.

I sincerely feel like you guys cared more about me than my real life friends...

Oh well... That's what you get for saying yes all the time and being too nice I guess... If I refuse to help, Sophie will understand, she's so nice... Duh...

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