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Old 02-25-2008, 02:08 AM   #4
Rochard should edit this
Funbrunette's BITCH!!!
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Eating Cherries
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Welcome back. Let me catch you quickly on everything you've missed.

- Evil Chris still wishes he was Anderson Cooper.
- Fun Brunette still hasn't slept with me. Unless you count that one time in Florida, but both of us were unconscious so I don't see how that's possible.
- Panky is still a mod here, but she knows better than to mess with me.
- JMan is still a french speaking Canadian freak. And that's correct, I failed to capitalize it.
- There's a new chick posting calling herself Sticky Dana, yet oddly enough the ICQ she/he lists in her sig file goes to someone who may be named Ryan.
- JFK just posted pictures from Webmaster Access. I didn't go, because, well, there is fucking snow up there. And thank god I didn't go because it rained here a lot and the show is a bit north of me, so I'm guessing it snowed there.
- Wegcory hasn't bothered to respond to any of my email, but I'll let him get away with because he's so damn good looking.
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