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Old 02-25-2008, 04:08 PM   #3
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I agree. Kind of a slow year for movies. Was glad to see the Coen's win. The Oscar show was kind of dull too this year. One COOL thing occured when host John Steward let that girl give her acceptance speech when she was accidently cut off by the orchestra. He called her back after the commercial, and said "Enjoy your moment". That was really nice.

The only movie I was really rooting for was TRANSFORMERS. (Yeah yeah, I know, shut up already). It was nominated for 3 awards (all technical) and lost all 3. Too bad.

What the hell is up with NORBIT winning an OSCAR award? That movie sucked so bad! Yes the makeup was great and thats what it won for, but Rick Baker has been there, done that already. Did he do anything NEW this time? NOOOoooOoo... Surely there were other movies out there more deserving, no?


ps: SLOW Business day today. Time for a nap.
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