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Old 09-09-2002, 05:19 PM   #4
Ronaldo is only editing this because Chris is a jackass
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Detroit?? God no. I'm not a bandwagon jumper.

Actually I was born in Toronto, so I grew up a Leafs and Argos fan until I realized that MOST of the people there forget that there is a world outside of T.O. I.E. The Toronto Sports Network.

Did you hear that they pre-empted the Labour day classic for Nascar??

Do you think that they would have done that if it was ANY of the teams from Toronto? I don't.

Then I moved to Winnipeg and started cheering for the Jets. You know the story there. Too hard to keep up with Phoenix.

Still can't find a team, although I've found myself cheering for the Flyers of late because I had lots of them in my last couple of hockey pools.

Oh well. I guess it's GO FLYERS!!!

P.S. I had to make a crack about Domi's head, but I love the guy. Even wearing my ThunderDomi tee as we speak.
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