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Old 02-28-2008, 10:51 AM   #1
Doug of Montreal
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Default (VIDEO) Are ethics important in adult? Who would you choose to be for a day?

Adult Insights Ep 12 Video

Well, it's my first official post on Xnations... and it's about time! Thanks to Chris and Greg for all of their help. So without further ado...

Are ethics important in adult? Or does working in an industry that isn't publicly embraced by society give you carte blanche for how you create your business?

Today's answers are provided by Jim from Almighty Content, Kenny B from IA Cash, Elli from Streamray/Cams.com, Vic from Kick Ass Pictures, Sagi from Adult Friend Finder, Dwreck from Webcam Cash and Scott from Traffic Dude.

And special thanks to Yappo Dollars for their support.

"Are ethics important?"
Jim: "I think there's a major misconception (that the adult industry) is the underbelly of the business world."
Kenny: "It's important to treat everybody with respect if you'd like that respect."
Elli: "You need to be able to sleep with yourself at night."
Vic: "I wouldn't moralize and say everyone needs to where a white hat."
Sagi: "There are a lot of things you can get away with... ethics are very important."
Dwreck: "There's more ethics in adult than some of my friends in the mainstream business world."
Scott: "Ethics always mattered but they matter more now than they ever did."

Following that we ask some people who they'd choose to be for a day industry and Vegas Ken from The Best Porn gives one of the best, if not most conflicted, answers ever. We also chat with She Devil from Think Pink Online, Rob from Live Bucks, Benoit from Express Pro, Michael (formerly) from Verotel, Dirty D from How I Got Rich, HoneLynn from High Def Riches/Sunny Dollars and Mario from Loaded Cash.

Are ethics really important in adult? Are issues like SEO spam or shaving sales really a big deal if nobody knows they're being hurt? Who would you choose to be for ONE day?
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ICQ: 267359201 / Add me at AdultWhosWho
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