Burns are nasty. Not only does the person need to deal with the pain and recovery, it is the fact they are highly susceptible to infection as well throughout the process.
As for me, I'm like Evil Chris. A few minor things over the years, but nothing major. I bruised bones in my left wrist jumping off a swing when I was a kid. My brother and I were in a competition to see who could swing the highest and then jump off. The first 10 jumps or so went well. Then the last jump, I landed wrong. I thought I broke my wrist for sure. That seriously hurt. I was hesitant to tell my mom too because we had already gotten yelled at for goofing around on the swings, but I had to. I didn't know exactly what I did to my wrist, but I knew it wasn't something that would feel better by morning. My brother didn't care that I was in pain and couldn't move my wrist. He was mad because I had to tell mom and we would both be in trouble because we didn't listen when she told us to quit jumping off the swings. lol!
Aside from that, migraines and a pinched nerve are the two most painful things I have ever felt in my life.