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Old 02-28-2008, 05:39 PM   #6
Mr. Plow
Mr. Plow should edit this
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This is interesting to me, because it's something I questioned a lot before I got into the industry. I think that it's no different than a lot of other businesses, in the sense that we provide a service people want and we provide jobs for people who need them, but some people in the business are ethical and some aren't and I'd work with them or not depending on what I thought of how they behaved, just like any other business.

Personally I'm very careful about who I affiliate with and I do my research, because this is a fairly underground industry and abuses can happen easily and I would hate to find that someone I was working with was really unethical. In a business where so many people work together but don't know each other and where so much content is just knocked up in somebody's basement, I think it's important to be careful. I wouldn't want to work with someone I felt would drown a sack of live kittens, ya know?:P
Mr. Plow, that's my name.
That name again is Mr. Plow.
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