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Old 02-29-2008, 12:10 PM   #7
Magnus3x is superfantastico!
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I almost froze my legs off when I was 12. I was living in the NWT at the time and my buddy pulled up on his snowmobile and asked if I wanted a spin.., no ski pants, no high cut boots, just a stupid 12 y/o who wanted to sled while it was -36.
When I got home my legs were burning, I touched the skin that was frozen the indent of my finger poke stayed on my leg...ikes thats when I knew things were gonna get bad.
Both legs blistered to the size of footballs around the shins, lovely stuff eh. So I was told they may have to amputate, then I was told they were going to graft skin from my back side but I recovered 100%. After 8 months I was running and playing football and wrestling again.

The only residual is there is embedded scar tissue that feels a lil numb to the touch, but the scars are not visible.
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