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Old 03-05-2008, 05:45 PM   #18
Crak_JMan is beautiful
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Originally Posted by Rochard View Post
It's not that at all.

But I think it's rather silly that young pepole their bodies marked with something that will not mean anything to five years later. Why in the world would anyone get something called a "tramp stamp" - It basically says "I'm a tramp".

I just don't think tats are pretty at all.
Ok well putting it this way sounds a lill better and I believe FB is old and mature enough to know this decision will last forever.

Actually YOU call it a tramp stamp, the person wearing it as most probably another idea about her/his tattoo.

It's like I don't like guns and think it's stupid to allow rights to bare arm in our days as SHITLOAD of people aren't mature enough to have a firearm that can easily cause death with a pull of a trigger.

If you would be buying a gun then should I think your stupid... NO cause it's your right and although I believe guns are for idiots you belief to have a gun is probably "protection"

Tattoo are a form of art that came before we could write play music or build guns.

But with that said to each is own my friend ;-)

jman@crakcash.com - ICQ: 124588240 - skype: crak_jman
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