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Old 03-12-2008, 09:38 AM   #3
FreakySteve should edit this
Kinky Pimp
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I've been a big Mac fan for many years (although I still have to use my PC sometimes).

Mac OS does all of the Windows "things" only usually easier or in a more simplistic way. Mac-bashers/PC-Lovers will chime in on this I'm sure.

I'm not going to argue which is better. What I do know is that of all of the people I have converted, not one regrets the decision and all of them feel "dirty" when they have had to go back to using a PC for whatever reason.

Yes, most of the software is out there, although I'm still waiting for a Mac submitter. You will also find shareware hunting for the Mac a LOT less frustrating. Instead of there being a million shareware apps that all do the same thing, but all suck for $20-30, there is usually one or two, that are really good and do it all for about the same. Mac software sites are easier to filter through.

Also, there are no virii or any of the other BS that Fundows users are accustomed to. ("Fundows" is my abbreviation for "Fucking Windows", saves me time speaking since those 2 words go together so often)

Get yourself a Mac. You'll be glad you did.
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