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Old 03-12-2008, 01:53 PM   #12
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Vid, at some point I can see why facebook would deem this content innapropriate. Their minimum age to join is 13.

My guess is someone who's in your friends list flagged that content to admin and they did what's best to protect themselves.

I run several communities and I to am told that I'm being prude and such when I delete sexually explicit material or any other content that we deem to be not good for our sites. We are all in business here and we will do what's best to keep our business at it's highest level so if time comes for possible buyer or investors,they don't land on content that could offend, shock or surprise them when they do due diligence.

We are pretty much lenient on InkedNation and bikernation as it is site 18+ but when it comes to petloversnation.com there's no way I would tolerate any adult related material.

I know it must suck to be kicked out of a networking site when you have worked a profile and built a good friends list and that is why I believe a fair warning should be given.

Did they warn you before ?

jman@crakcash.com - ICQ: 124588240 - skype: crak_jman
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