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Old 04-07-2008, 04:55 PM   #3
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Hi Virgule3

That is a pretty nice phone. I used to have one like that. Can I ask what Carrier you are using? You may have made a mistake about MSN on this thing...

When you use it in WIFI mode, you are using any local wireless connection in your area such as your home WiFi, Coffeeshops, Airport, etc. This device lets you connect to the Internet and run all Internet related aps such as IE, Email, MSN, Skype, etc. You bypass your cellphone carrier completely, and have free bandwidth.

However when you connect to the Internet via your cellphone carrier, THEN you are paying for bandwidth, and paying A LOT for it. Surfing the net, msn, email, downloads etc, all cost you.

I ended up selling this phone to a friend and switching back to a Motorola flip phone. Since I made more phone calls than I surfed, the Motorola was easier to use. But damn I miss having the Internet in my pocket!

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