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Old 04-09-2008, 02:58 AM   #22
Rochard should edit this
Funbrunette's BITCH!!!
Join Date: Dec 2002
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Welcome to XN Altgirl.

Let me explain to you how things work around here.

First off, I'm either God or the devil incarnate. I haven't decided which; If you figure it out and can clue me in please let me know.

Casa Nova, who posted in this thread, is less of a lady's man and more of a cross dresser. In the event you don't believe me, here he is... On the left. He looks wonderful in virgin white.

Evil Chris lies - He has no relationship to Anderson Cooper or Gloria Vanderbilt.

I have never slept with anyone on this board. If that changes, I'll be sure to post pictures.

This is a picture of me and my girlfriend. But I'm not telling you which is which.

There is woman named Elli who may or may not post here. I'm not sure. I think she does. Anyhow, she's very beautiful but don't be fooled - She's Canadian:

She's not too bright either, but only because I've asked her to marry me for like the fourth or fith time and she's still saying no. I've offered to fly up to the Great White North, drug her, hog tie her (read: HAWT), and drag her across the border but she totally screwed up my plans when she asked me how I was going to get her through customs. (How very typical of her to fuck up my carefully laid plans.) Not sure why I told her my plans any how. I need to keep those to myself.

Oh, if anyone on X Nations offers you dinner as a prize, well, just buy dinner yourself and send them the bill. If not you'll go hungry.

What else?

Vid Vicious is pretty cool. Doug from Montreal is pretty nice, but I think he's really from Quebec. Panky doesn't seem to like me too much but only because I tend to post here late at night when I'm drinking Red Bull (Is it true that stuff is banned up North??? Eh?)

Lastly.... If your Canadian AND speak French AND ring me up on cell AND talk dirty to me IN FRENCH....... I'll instantly cream my jeans.

PS: Fun Brunette - Call me!
Director of Products & Services | YNOT
Skype rochardbuss
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